Dev C++ Fighting Game

Main only tests a fight between Hume vs Elf and Hume vs Balrog for now (Hume is way overpowerful, oops). My problem is this: Every run of the program produces the same results. Same damage, same blocks, same double attacks, same winners, everything. I thought rand was supposed to randomize the outcome in this situation? What am I doing wrong? Pirate bay.

Hey everyone,

I'm still tweaking the attributes but here is what I've got:

Numark mixtrack 3 traktor mapping. All races: dmg = rand, where 0 < r < str

25% chance of blocking
5% chance of double attack (attack x2)
10% chance of dmg+60

5% chance of blocking
35% chance of double attack

Game Dev Story

35% chance of attacking twice

35% chance of blocking

Balrog and Cyberdemon are inherited from Demon; all objects of class Demon have a 10% chance of inflicting dmg+50.

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My code (very few comments so far, sorry):

main() only tests a fight between Hume vs Elf and Hume vs Balrog for now (Hume is way overpowerful, oops).

My problem is this:
Every run of the program produces the same results. Same damage, same blocks, same double attacks, same winners, everything. I thought rand() was supposed to randomize the outcome in this situation? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help!

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My code (very few comments so far, sorry):


Why do people apologise for doing bad things rather than just doing what they know they should? :icon_confused:

My problem is this:
Every run of the program produces the same results. Same damage, same blocks, same double attacks, same winners, everything. I thought rand() was supposed to randomize the outcome in this situation? What am I doing wrong?

Dev C++ Game Code

Not wanting to waste time looking through 400+ lines of code for that 1 wayward statement, all I can suggest without you being more specific is that srand() should only be called once at the beginning of the program.

If this doesn't help, give us a clue as to what to look at.