Free Auto Tune Steam Hear Myself

SteamGameFree autotune steam hear myself full

  1. you will need:
  2. 1. A microphone ( Obviously )
  3. 3.T-Pain Engine
  4. ok here are the steps.
  5. step 1: download virtual audio cable on its main website.
  6. step 3 : download the trial version of t pain engine on its main website.
  7. step 5: open t pain engine, and then at the top left corner you will see somthing called
  8. 'VOCAL 1' click that and press the 'RECORDING' button. if you can hear your
  9. step 6 : Now to play it in steam your must configure for audio settings in t pain engine and steam
  10. ,IN T-PAIN engine: GO to edit and press the preferences button. your input device must
  11. be your microphone and your outpost device must be 'Line 1'. Why LINE 1? because
  12. thats the virtual audio cable you just downloaded. Then click ok and you are finished.
  13. step 7: NOW FOR STEAM: GO to your steam settings on the top left corner. THen click on
  14. 'Voice'. Then your voice must be 'LINE 1' not your microphone. Then click on test
  15. microphone. if you can hear your autotuned voice in the steam test microphone.
  16. PROFIT

Free Autotune Steam Hear Myself Video

Select your headphones as the output device. At the bottom of the main window you have some switches. To test that everything is working good switch ON all of them: Listen My FX Voice: will let you listen yourself through your headphones or headsets in real time. Voice Changer: will activate/deactivate. May 21, 2009  basically the t pain effect. I dont want to know peoples personal opinions on it. So basically with logics pitch correction there is no way around the latency problem? I should have been more clear in the question but thats the problem. I like the auto tune effect and want to be able to hear myself using it as i record.