Tivo Auto Tune To Hd

As the title says, the harddrive (WD1600AVVS) in my Tivo HD (TCD652160) has apparently gone dead. The Tivo does the 'Please wait, now powering up' loop, ultimately resulting in a gray screen. After ~20 power cycle attempts, I got it to come up once, at which point I selected a show on the DVR and 10 seconds into it, it rebooted again.
So, I've looked around and it appears that I can buy a replacement 160gb non-formatted drive ready to drop in for the ludicrous sum of $150 from a few Tivo suppliers. I'll pass on that.
My main questions are, what is the max size I can put in it and what steps do I need to take to put the new (pre-PC formatted) drive in there?
I have a pair of WD500AAKS (Caviar Blue's) and a pair of WD1001FALS (Caviar Blacks) that I'm pulling out of my file server to replace with some 2TB WD's, is there any reason I couldn't (or shouldn't) use one of those? I'm assuming the Caviar Blacks are probably a worse choice than the Blue's due to them running slightly hotter? Then again, maybe not, according to HD Tune Pro, the Blacks are both running at 41C, one of the Blue's is running at 40C and the other at 43C. The 1.5TB WD15EARS is running the coolest at 36C (other than the Vertex2 at 30C).
So, thoughts? I'm mainly interested in what I need to do to format it to for use with a Tivo. I would like to try recovering what's on the old drive if that makes a difference.

Tivo Auto Tune To Hd Channels On Comcast

Voice changer

Tivo Auto Tune To Hd Video

Autotune Free Download

About Auto-Tune HD. When tuning to an SD channel, you’ll automatically be tuned to the HD equivalent if it’s available, thanks to the Auto-Tune HD feature. Here’s how to activate this feature: Press the Menu button on your remote control twice. Select Setup, then Guide Setup. Select Tune for HDTV and switch to ON.